
  • May 20, 2021
    1921 - The Beginning Axel Youngdah

    Axel Youngdahl entered in to a land contract with Sanborn Company for lots 1,2 & 3 on 04 June 1924.
    Recorded act ownership on 28 March 1924

  • May 20, 2021
    1924 - Arthur Morgan

    Purchased by Arthur Morgan on 28 March 1924

  • May 20, 2021
    1925 - Leeson

    Purchased By Harry and Joanna Leeson on 16 October 1925

  • May 20, 2021
    1930 - Tuscher

    Purchased by Walter & Catherine Tuscher on 22 October 1930

    Walter Tuscher 1

    Catherine Tuscher
    Catherine Tuscher

    Did the infamous gangster Dillinger hide $200K in the Northwoods?

    A nearly century-old rumor that even implicates the Edgewater Inn & Cottages. However, according to Clara Gaffney, the daughter of former proprietor Walter Tuscher questions the story. She states the family did not live in the lodge during the winter months and has no idea who A.J. Herbert is.

    "As far as the large amount of money is concerned, it's kind of a joke, because you could talk to ten different people, and get ten different versions."  -Clara Gaffney

    Excerpt Gangster Holiday Tom Hollatz
    Excerpt Gangster Holiday Tom Hollatz

    Walter decided to remodel the main house for his family to live in and added 8 rooms to the main lodge.
    The rooms had cold running water even before the big hotels in Chicago

    Edgewater Cottages Lodge 1942
    Edgewater Cottages Lodge 1942
    Edgewater Cottages Lodge 1942 before fire
    Edgewater Cottages Lodge 1942 before fire
    Old car parked at Edgewater Cottages
    Car in front of Inn
    Edgewater Cottages 1942
    Cottages 8, 9 & 10 Look at all the trees

    1943 Christmas Fire

    The Inn has been changed several times over the years. The most dramatic was when a fire broke out just before Christmas in 1943.

    Fire Destroys Main Lodge 122343
    Fire Destroys Main Lodge 122343

    1943 John Rochowiak staning by ruins of inn

    Fire Aftermath
    Fire aftermath
  • May 20, 2021
    1944 - Genzmer

    Purchased by George (Yutch) & Berenice Genzmer on 30 September 1944 

    After the purchase of the property, Yutch brought 1/2 of a roller rink that was located 1/4 mile away. ( Have not found actual location).
    Basement was enlarged for the building

    Edgewater Inn about 1945
    Edgewater Inn about 1945
    edgewater sign 1946
    edgewater sign 1946. Old price, will not be honored today
    kennth boom edgewater inn 1947
    kennth boom edgewater inn 1947
    Boathouse about 1946
    Boathouse about 1946
    Cottages 2, 3 & 4 1945 47
    Cottages 2, 3 & 4 1945 47
    2016 under 1947 Cottages 3 and 4 are no longer there Cottage 3 was taken down 1990
    2016 under 1947
    Cottages 3 and 4 are no longer there
    Cottage 3 was taken down 1990
    Buzzy (Jesse) Norship about 1951 from Linda Woiak
    Buzzy (Jesse) Norship about 1951 from Linda Woiak

    Yatch Ginzmir Edgewater Bar

    1956 Bear
    1956 Bear
    Christmas Deer
    Christmas Deer
    Inn of 1956
    Inn of 1956
    Possible Cottage 5
    Possible Cottage 5
    Possibly room 1 1956
    Possibly room 1 1956

    Yutch detached most of lot 1 to keep for himself when he sold the property.
    He retained the liquor license and moved it to the new building next door on to lot 1. (Now UpNorth Specialty Foods & Gifts)
    The bar that was in the Inn, now are room 10,11,12 & 13 single queen bed during the major renovation.

  • May 20, 2021
    1959 - Schutte

    Purchased 05 November 1959 by Earl & Violet Schutte


  • May 20, 2021
    1959 - Freiland

    Purchased by Robert & Ada Freiland on 05 November `059
    same date as the Schutte but later in the day.

    Extensive remodeling was being undertaken.
    Rooms 1-4 were extended to be under the upper deck. Rooms 5 & 6 were added to the basement.

    Dormer were added to the second floor creating 6 rentals and one bedroom for the owners out of the 2 room that were part of the living quarters

    AAA Adversting 1960s.

    Cottages 9 and 10 Early to Mid 1960s
    Brian Hurd in front of Cottages 9 and 10 Early to Mid 1960s
    1960's Kenny Nelson (P supplied by Barbara Miller) 1
    1960's Kenny Nelson (P supplied by Barbara Miller) 1
  • May 20, 2021
    1963 - Ferrow

    Purchased by Robert & Alice Ferrow on 05 June 1963


  • May 20, 2021
    1964 - Polacek

    Purchased by Jerome & Polacek on31 March 1964


  • May 20, 2021
    1968 - Caz

    Purchased by Joseph & Geraldine Caz on 11 March 1968

    Inn of the 1970's
    Inn of the 1970's
    room 7
    room 7
    Room 9 or 14 1970's
    Room 9 or 14 1970's
    back of post card
    back of post card


  • May 20, 2021
    2004 - A New Era

    Fritz Laeser Enterprises, Ltd. purchased the property in Sept 2004 and has continued to upgrade amenities for guests.

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